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Best Sales Training Workshops from HRDQ

Best Sales Training Workshops from HRDQ

Are you hoping to increase company revenue? If so, the first place to start is with your sales team. While being persuasive is important, they should also cultivate lasting relationships with clients to secure their business for years to come. Explore the best sales training workshops from HRDQ to begin sharpening your sales employees’ skills.

HRDQ offers a wide selection of sales training materials, from assessments to comprehensive workshops, games, and more. View our full Selling Skills Collection today!

Understanding the Sales Cycle

Understanding the Sales Cycle

There’s always room for development when it comes to sales, whether you’re new to the workforce or a seasoned employee. In order to grow, it’s important to reassess your skills from time to time and look for areas of improvement.

The Understanding the Sales Cycle workshop provides participants with a baseline sales skill level so that they can begin to create an actionable plan for growth. After taking an internal look at blind spots that need strengthening, the class will also introduce participants to the concept of customer-focused selling. By the end of the session, your sales team will have a refreshed sense of the buying cycle and the skills required to follow it through.

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What to Ask and How to Listen

What to Ask and How to Listen

Sales is all about the customer. You need to uncover their needs, learn how they make decisions, and keep them engaged in order to meet and exceed their expectations. Plus, in order to deliver time after time, your sales team must learn how to listen when the client reveals these cues.

The What to Ask and How to Listen training workshop is here to help. Participants will discover the exact questions to ask clients, how to prevent shutdowns in communication, and active listening skills. With these three facets mastered, your sales team will be able to move their customer relationships forward with ease.

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Prospecting and Territory Management

Prospecting and Territory Management

Prospecting is often one of the least favorite aspects of a salesperson’s job. With so many other tasks to complete, cold-calling and scouring for qualified leads can feel like a chore, especially when returns are low. But, with the right techniques, this doesn’t have to be the case!

The Prospecting and Territory Management workshop will remind your sales team that prospecting is the vital first step of the entire sales cycle. It doesn’t have to feel like a tedious job when you have the tools to succeed. Participants will be given practical tips for qualifying customers, discover how to develop a pipeline of profitable clients, and identify new, highly-effective techniques for making contact with prospects. If territory management is an area where your sales team is lacking, this workshop will provide you with some serious results.

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Presenting Solutions

Presenting Solutions

Every employee needs to have their sales pitch down pat! That’s why your team should consider taking the Presenting Solutions training workshop. This course covers everything regarding sales presentations, including how to prepare, pinpointing the client perspective, catering speech to client needs, thinking outside of the box, and delivering a convincing pitch. Your participants will be thankful to have an easy-to-use model for presenting solutions so that they can coolly and effectively sell to clients.

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Opening the Sales Call

Opening the Sales Call

On a sales call, there’s a brief window of opportunity to pique the interest of the customer. To be specific, you have exactly ten seconds or less. If you want to know how to get your foot in the door in this short amount of time, take the Opening the Sales Call training workshop. By combining a confident attitude with a well-thought-out agenda that resonates with the prospect, you can easily get potential clients on the hook. Having a plan and the communication skills to deliver it is imperative for capitalizing on this narrow but critical time window!

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Developing Clients for Life

The Developing Clients for Life workshop will help your sales team create long-term relationships with their customers. This is no easy feat to do, and your employees must be dedicated to maintaining a positive connection in every conversation with the client. But, if you provide them with the skills they need to cultivate authentic and meaningful client relationships, you’ll certainly see lower turnover rates and increased satisfaction from your customers.

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Improve Selling Skills with HRDQ

If you’d like to discover more sales training workshops and activities, explore the full HRDQ Selling Skills Collection today! Not sure where to start? Our training consultants are happy to assist you in facilitating workshops or selecting the best materials for your sales team. Soon, your employees will have all of the tools they need to sell like pros. Get started with HRDQ today!

Explore the HRDQ Selling Skills Collection

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