Reality-Based Leadership
Did you know 71% of workers think about quitting their jobs daily? That number would be shocking if people were actually quitting. What's worse is they continue to go to work every day and collect paychecks while completely checking out emotionally.
The truth is, leaders cannot change every circumstance to make every employee happy. They establish this expectation of themselves and have built it in others, and then the business starts suffering as a result. Relieve these building expectations using the Reality-Based Leadership workshop.
How It Works
The Reality-Based Leadership workshop is organized into six modules.
- Module 1 provides you with a broad overview of the program while underscoring the importance of Reality-Based Leadership in turning excuses into results.
- Module 2 provides you with background information about why conventional leadership methods have failed.
- Module 3 helps you organize everything you will need to conduct the Reality-Based Leadership workshop. This module includes the workshop agenda, planning checklists, tips for optimizing your impact as a facilitator, and instructions for administering the Reality-Based Leadership assessment in advance of the workshop.
- Module 4 shares information that you can use to introduce the concept of Reality-Based Leadership to the executive leadership within the organization. This module provides suggestions on how to increase buy-in, engagement, and support. The module includes guidance on how to prepare to meet with senior executives, how to make the business case for Reality-Based Leadership, and how executives can extend the value of the training session long after the workshop is complete
- Module 5 provides verbiage you can use to have the most impact as you work with workshop participants. The script will help you introduce agenda segments and “tee up” concepts, breakouts, and activities.
- Module 6 ensures that the momentum created through this training program continues long after the training is conducted. This module includes specific best practices for extending the value of the workshop, as well as tips that individuals and organizations can use to continue to strengthen their leadership skills.
Uses and Applications
This workshop conveys a candid, humorous approach to organizational dynamics. Reality-Based Leadership's model challenges traditional practices and conventional wisdom in leadership and focuses on five core competencies:
- Reality-based thinking
- Organizational alignment
- Capitalizing on change
- Driving results
- Accountability
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this assessment, participants will:
- Learn how to diffuse drama and lead other employees
- Raise awareness of mindsets that will help everyone find peace at work
- Learn ways to restore sanity to the workplace by empowering others to focus on the facts and think for themselves
- Understand new ways to demonstrate Reality-Based Leadership competencies to help you lead your team to results
Product Details
- Product Type: Assessment and workshop.
The Facilitator Guide includes everything you need to lead a successful training session. - Target Audience: Managers and supervisors.
- Measures: How leadership handles and guides groups through conflict.
- Dimensions: Leadership, communication, expressiveness, assertiveness, and problem-solving.
- Time Required: One day.
What to Order
Facilitator Guide: Order One Guide Per Trainer
The Facilitator Guide includes background information, administrative guidelines, step-by-step workshop outline, and sample participant materials. Facilitator materials will be available as a digital download link in your order confirmation.
Workbook 5-Pack: Order One Pack for Up to Five Participants
The Workbook serves as a comprehensive takeaway and includes critical content, worksheets, and forms used during the workshop.
Paper Assessment 5-Pack: Order One Pack for Up to Five Participants
The print version is ideal for facilitators who prefer to oversee scoring and administration of the assessment. It includes pressure-sensitive forms for manual scoring.
Companion Book: Order One Companion Book Per Trainer
This companion book is designed to support the workshop and contains in-depth information regarding Reality-Based Leadership.
About the Author
Cy Wakeman is a professional speaker, business consultant, author, and trainer. She holds a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation from the National Speakers Association and received the 2012 Outstanding Leadership Award from the World HRD Congress in Mumbai.