Get Fit For Coaching Assessment
Effective coaches equate to stronger leaders. Having strong leaders in place then leads to a more motivated staff and better communication in the workplace. So what does it take to become a great leader?
While there are many skills and attributes of an effective coach, the Get Fit for Coaching Assessment identifies and assesses areas of strength and improvement.
The online versions of this assessment require a subscription to the HRDQ Online Assessment Center.
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How It WorksThe Get Fit for Coaching Assessment uses 180 feedback component. This enables individuals a chance to see how their peers perceive them. This assessment also shows how the open flow of communication between the coach and employee is rooted in "Five Coaching Competencies":
- Building rapport
- Observing and analyzing
- Questioning and listening
- Providing feedback
- Facilitating learning
The Get Fit For Coaching assessment is appropriate for managers, supervisors, and team leaders at all levels, and can be utilized as:
- A stand-alone assessment or debrief
- An icebreaker for new coaches or individuals new to management
- Part of a comprehensive training program on leadership development
By the end of this assessment, participants will:
- Identify areas of strength and areas for improvement
- Perform critical thinking on what it takes to be an effective coach
Product Type: Assessment and workshop. The Facilitator Guide is an in-depth workbook designed to help trainers swiftly administer the assessment.
Target Audience: Individuals with minimum to moderate experience coaching.
Measures: The Get Fit for Coaching Assessment measures areas of strength and improvement based on these five critical skills found in research and literature:
- Building rapport
- Observing and analyzing
- Questioning and listening
- Providing feedback
- Facilitating learning
Dimensions: Analyzing, listening, questioning, and communication skills.
Time Required: 1 hour.
What To OrderFacilitator Guide: Order One Guide Per Trainer.
The Facilitator Guide includes everything you need to lead a successful training session, from comprehensive background information and activities to a professional PowerPoint presentation.
Paper Assessment 5-Pack: Order One Pack for Up to Five Participants.
The print version is ideal for facilitators who prefer to oversee scoring and administration of the assessment if you don't know who the participants will be before the class begins, or if your learners do not have easy access to computers. It includes pressure-sensitive forms for scoring to aid manual tabulation.
Observer Form 5-Pack: Use at Least Three Observer Forms Per Participant. (Recommended)
The Observer Form is designed to check the accuracy of a coach’s perception by allowing them to see how their peers perceive their style.
Online Assessment: Order One Per Participant.
The online assessment is administered to participants through the HRDQ Assessment Center and includes personalized reporting, full-color charts, interpretive information, worksheets, and action planning. Detailed report is delivered electronically to the facilitator/administrator when complete.
Online Assessment w/ Feedback: Order One Per Participant.
This online assessment contains questions identical to those in the Assessment and generates a personalized PDF report for participants, with their results automatically calculated and charted.
About The AuthorThe HRDQ Development Team creates soft-skills learning solutions that help to improve the performance of individuals, teams, and organizations. At HRDQ, we believe an experiential approach is the best catalyst for adult learning. Our unique Experiential Learning Model has been the core of what we do for more than 40 years. We combine the best of organizational learning theory and proven facilitation methods with an appreciation for adult learning styles, our philosophy initiates and inspires lasting change.