Interpersonal Influence Inventory
How do you "come across" to others?
From resolving misunderstandings with colleagues to negotiating complex deals and leading project teams, you use influence as part of your everyday work life. While there are several different styles of interpersonal influence, research shows that assertive behavior has the greatest impact on individual success and organizational performance. The good news is that influence is a learned skill, and with the right training, some self-discovery, and a healthy dose of practice, people can develop their ability to be assertive.
The Interpersonal Influence Inventory (III) is designed to create an awareness of the behaviors people use when they attempt to influence others. The purpose of the Inventory is to allow respondents to recognize their own style of influence and work toward developing a more effective style.
The online version of this assessment requires a subscription to the HRDQ Online Assessment Center.
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How It WorksThe Interpersonal Influence Inventory assessment and workshop is an eye-opening learning tool that reveals a preference for one of four dominant styles: openly aggressive behavior, concealed aggressive behavior, passive behavior, or assertive behavior. An HRDQ bestseller for more than 20 years, the Interpersonal Influence Inventory is the combination self-assessment and training workshop that has helped thousands of people:
- Identify their interpersonal influence style
- Learn how they come across to others
- Work toward becoming more effective communicators
The core of the III is derived from leadership and persuasive communication literature. The literature suggests that direct expression of one’s views, coupled with consideration for others, can help improve individual and organizational functioning. This type of behavior is often called assertive behavior.
Uses & ApplicationsThe Interpersonal Influence Inventory can be used as a stand-alone learning instrument or part of a more comprehensive training program. The assessment is effective as a:
- Tool to develop assertiveness skills
- Centerpiece of a communication workshop
- Component of a leadership development program
- Diagnostic tool for one-on-one coaching
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify their preference for one of four personal influence styles: passive, assertive, openly aggressive, or concealed aggressive
- Learn why assertive behavior is the one style that always yields positive results
- Understand how other influence styles can hamper interpersonal communication
- Discover the behavioral cues that signal each style
Product Type: Assessment and workshop. The Facilitator Guide is an in-depth resource, designed to help trainers swiftly administer the assessment.
Audience: The Interpersonal Influence Inventory is appropriate for employees at all levels of the organization.
Measures: The Interpersonal Influence Inventory measures the behaviors that individuals use when they attempt to influence others.
- Openly Aggressive Behavior
- Concealed Aggressive Behavior
- Passive Behavior
- Assertive Behavior
Time Required: Administration: 20 minutes, Interpretation: One hour, Workshop: 2.5 hours.
What To OrderFacilitator Guide: Order One Guide Per Trainer.
The Facilitator Guide is designed as a resource booklet for participants. Arranged in an instrument/workbook format, the Facilitator Guide contains a 40-item assessment, a scoring form, a description of the "Interpersonal Influence Model" and the four influence styles, charting of results, and an interpretation section.
Paper Assessment 5-Pack: Order One Pack For Up to Five Participants.
The print version is ideal for facilitators who prefer to oversee scoring and administration of the assessment if you don't know who the participants will be before the class begins, or if your learners do not have easy access to computers. It includes pressure-sensitive forms for scoring to aid manual tabulation.
Online Assessment: Order One Per Participant.
The foundation for the workshop, the online assessment is administered to participants through the HRDQ Assessment Center. A full-color, detailed report is delivered electronically to the facilitator/administrator when complete.
About The AuthorRollin Glaser, Ed. D. is an accomplished trainer, consultant, and expert in the field of adult learning, and also the co-founder and former CEO of HRDQ. He holds several degrees, including a BS from Northwestern University and an M.Ed. from Northeastern University, as well as an MA and Ed.D. from Columbia University. In addition to many assessments, training games, programs, and articles, Rollin is the author of Personnel Management for Retailers and the co-author of The Management of Training and Managing by Design.
Product ResourcesInfo Kit | Interpersonal Influence Inventory Overview
Blog Post | Assertiveness and Interpersonal Influence
Infographic | 4 Ways You Can Influence Others