Matrix Manager Inventory
Managing in today's substantially more complex environment is challenging. Virtual work environments, multi-functional teams, and dotted-line reporting relationships have turned the clear hierarchical org charts from management 101 into an intricate and often confusing matrix. Complicated webs make the "simple" job of getting things done not so simple. This trend toward what we call "matrix management" has created the need for a new leadership skill set.
The Matrix Manager Inventory is a vital and timely training program that's designed to help both new and seasoned managers acquire and develop the ability to flex between "command and control" and "influence and collaborate" in an attempt to master matrix management.
The assessment, available in online and classroom formats, shows learners their skill level on the dimensions of empowerment, risk-taking, participation, and team-building skills.
With the optional classroom workshop learners will:
- Learn how to balance the skills required of traditional and matrix management
- Understand the matrix management decision-making criteria
- Build a "spectrum" of skills and behaviors that drive successful influence and collaboration
- Define the role set or network needed to be a successful matrix manager
- Overcome the daily dilemmas and challenges of matrix management.
The online version of this assessment requires a subscription to the HRDQ Online Assessment Center.
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How It WorksThe Matrix Manager Inventory uses a mix of a self-assessment, workbook activities, and a classroom workshop designed to train your managers to become well-equipped to navigate the dynamics of matrix management, handle constant change with confidence, influence performance when there is no direct control, and achieve the results that drive organizational success.
Uses & ApplicationsThe Matrix Manager Inventory helps individuals understand the competencies and capabilities needed to manage others in global, virtual, and matrix-style organizational environments.
Unlike many leadership tools, the Matrix Manager Inventory does not emphasize traditional "command" and "control" (hierarchical) management skills. Rather, the Matrix Manager Inventory emphasizes reliance on the influence and collaboration skills available to managers and leaders through the skillful application of matrix management as the most appropriate pathway to both personal and organizational success.
Learning OutcomesBy the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Learn how to balance the skills required of traditional and matrix management
- Understand the matrix management decision-making criteria
- Build a "spectrum" of skills and behaviors that drive successful influence and collaboration
- Define the role set or network needed to be a successful matrix manager
- Overcome the daily dilemmas and challenges of matrix management
Product Type: Assessment and workshop
Target Audience: The primary audience is mid-level managers and project managers who need to manage globally dispersed teams, but this will also be beneficial to executives, individual contributors, and consultants who need to perform successfully in global organizational environments
Measures: The competencies needed to manage in virtual and cross-functional environments
Dimensions: Empowerment, risk-taking, participation, and team-building skills
Time Required:
Assessment: 15 minutes.
Interpretation: 1 hour.
Optional Workshop: 2.5 to 3 hours.
What To OrderPrint Facilitator Guide
The Facilitator Guide includes all of the information necessary to help participants develop an understanding of the matrix manager concepts and assist the facilitator in running a successful training workshop.
Online Assessment
The online assessment is administered to participants through the HRDQ Assessment Center and includes personalized reporting, full-color charts, interpretive information, worksheets, and action planning. A detailed report is delivered electronically to the facilitator when complete.
Print Assessment 5-Pack
The print version of the Matrix Manager Inventory includes the assessment questions, scoring and charting instructions, and basic interpretive materials. This assessment includes 40 questions and should take participants about 15 minutes to complete.
Print Workbook 5-Pack
The Workbook is intended for use in a group setting and includes the information necessary to help participants build a basic understanding of the Matrix Manager Inventory concepts and the roles and responsibilities of the matrix manager. This Workbook also includes information about interpreting the results of the online Matrix Manager Inventory assessment and can be used with either the print or online version of the assessment.
Virtual Train-the-Trainer: Optional 1-hour quick-start coaching session for this product.
Request a one-hour virtual meeting with a live consultant to cover the basic theory and delivery tips for this HRDQ training tool. Add this product to your cart and a representative will contact you to schedule your session.
About The AuthorJames P. Eicher, MA, is a well-respected author and consultant and subject matter expert in the fields of sales, organizational strategy, leadership, and communication. He has held leadership roles at Booz Allen Hamilton, Andersen Worldwide, Symantec, and NetApp. He was also the founder of Cognitive Management, a training and consulting firm with worldwide clients such as Xerox, Reuters, Sony, Simon and Schuster, Amdahl, and Nortel. He is the author of the Leader-Manager Profile and the Neurolinguistic Communication Profile as well as the highly acclaimed book on management communication, Making the Message Clear.
Dr. John Jones (1935-2003) was the president of Organizational Universe Systems. He was best known as the co-founder of University Associates and the co-editor of the experience-based training and consulting handbooks and annuals. He regularly consulted with such clients as AT&T, Baxter Healthcare, Coors, GMC, Xerox, Kaiser-Permanente, Hughes Aircraft, ARC International, and numerous non-profit organizations in education and government.
William L. Bearley, Ed.D. is vice president of Organizational Universe Systems. He is an information systems and organization development consultant, combining his computer expertise with a solid background in human resources. He collaborated with Dr. John Jones on instrumentation in team building, decision making, burnout, and organizational change. He consults with numerous clients, such as AT&T, Honeywell, Xerox, L’Oreal, and many educational and healthcare organizations.