58 1/2 Ways to Improvise Training Activity Collection
Inject "Impro Energy" into your next training session with 58 1/2 Ways to Improvise in Training. Defined as a current that runs between participants, you'll recognize it when you see participants who are clearly "in the moment," alert to whatever is going on in the here and now. At its best, "Impro Energy" creates flow, when the quality of the learning experience is high and seemingly effortless.
58 1/2 Ways to Improvise in Training is more than just simply a collection of icebreakers. The activities are designed to be useful on a number of different levels. You'll find that physical activities not only warm up the limbs, they also break down barriers between participants. Some activities build skills - often by increasing ways for participants to express themselves. And by using the questions provided in the debriefing section, you can always create a link between the activity and the learning experience on a metaphorical level.
The activities are quick (generally under 30 minutes each) and the well-organized binder makes facilitation a cinch. The activities are categorized by learning objective, and include detailed administrative guidelines, debriefing questions, and ideas for variation and development.
Whether you are running a training session, workshop, or meeting, 58 1/2 Ways to Improvise in Training will create an environment of imagination and energy, laughter and commitment. There's no better way to engage participants in the learning process!
What To Order
- The 58 1/2 Ways to Improvise in Training Print & Digital Combo includes the facilitator guide in a convenient 3-ring binder format along with the Digital Version. The digital materials will be delivered upon purchase.
- The 58 1/2 Ways to Improvise in Training Digital Version includes the facilitator guide and support materials delivered as a single digital file for a paperless training experience.