Overcome a Low Budget and Limited Training Time with HRDQ Consulting Services
Does this scenario sound familiar?
A training manager at a gas and oil company’s Texas corporate office needed help. Her company had a “lunch and learn” culture that expected her to coordinate 45-minute presentations for weekly brown bag get-togethers. For years, in-house experts discussed topics like accounting, project management, drilling processes, employee benefits, IT security, and more. But the training manager unfortunately had to deal with a meager budget, limited time for scheduling, and the executive sponsor’s growing love for ancillary topics.
As time went on it became more challenging to prepare speakers and topics far enough in advance to announce them. There was more pressure added to hold specific training sessions that discussed women and leadership in a male-dominated culture, and the manager had trouble locating materials and speakers in time. She then reached out to HRDQ Consulting for help.
HRDQ’s expert consultants use HRDQ’s ready-to-go materials to do the training for you. Gary Turner, an award-winning consultant and trainer, worked with the training manager to create a program that worked for her company and saved time and money.
The Training Solution
Gary suggested a “Topic of the Month” based on the subject using HRDQ’s Reproducible Training Library (RTL). This collection contains more than 80 customizable and reproducible soft skills training titles and covers a wide range of topics. Each title is built for a half-day, four-hour workshop, but they are completely customizable and highly versatile, and easily turned into their 45-minute desired format.
The Reproducible Training Library program titled Women and Leadership was a perfect fit for what the team needed. Gary helped solve the company’s training problem by proposing they break this course down into four weekly sessions:
- Week 1: Challenges Women Face in Becoming Leaders
- Week 2: Inward-Focused Leadership Skills
- Week 3: Outward-Focused Leadership Skills
- Week 4: Planning Your Growth
It was easy to create a two-sided handout for each topic while formulating thorough instructor notes and a slideshow for every session. Gary also varied the primary instructional strategy for each of the four topics to make them even more interesting:
- Week 1: Partner-Sharing the Challenges (Interactive Brainstorming)
- Week 2: Assessment of Limitations (Personal Reflection)
- Week 3: Skill-Building (Written and Oral Practice)
- Week 4: Action Planning (Charting)
The team took the program, ran with it, and attendance in every course grew as word spread about how exciting and productive these sessions were.
After the program’s success, the client went on to create numerous “Topic of the Month” courses using the RTL. Some of the topics included Solid Business Writing, Resilience, Multi-Generational Workplace, Critical Thinking, Managing Emotions, and others. The training manager, their executive sponsors, and their corporate office clients were all pleased with the interesting, relevant, and meaningful four-week sessions.
How HRDQ Consulting Can Help
Creating your own training programs can be time consuming. If you need help developing and implementing training for your team, HRDQ Consulting is available. We have more than 40 years of experience developing and delivering learning to thousands of organizations worldwide.
Our trainers will dive in and partner with you to address your specific needs. They will get to know your organization and what issues you need to solve. The training solutions that we create combine sound theory with a thorough understanding of your unique environment.
With advanced degrees in the social sciences, our consultants are skilled in guiding organizations to success. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you develop successful training for better business results.
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