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Is Online Corporate Training Right For Your Team?

Is Online Corporate Training Right For Your Team?

Training is necessary for any company. It helps employees get up to speed, grow in their career, and connect with other team members. But is online corporate training the right choice for your team compared to traditional, in-person training? Below, you’ll find some of the top advantages of online training so you can decide if your company will benefit most from this learning method.

HRDQ offers over 84 virtual instructor-led training courses, so you can bring interactive training sessions to your team, no matter where they are. Explore HRDQ Virtual Training

Budget-Friendly & Convenient

Online training can help you save in the long-run, making it a fantastic return on investment. Plus, it’s hassle-free for both the organizer of the sessions and the participating employees. Here’s what makes virtual classes so cost-effective and convenient:

No Venue Necessary

Perhaps one of the biggest expenses and difficulties in planning a training program is coordinating a venue for your training sessions. This is especially true if your office does not have a space readily available. With online courses, though, your staff can participate anywhere there is internet access—with no venue fees!

No Travel Costs

Transporting your team to and from a training facility is not only costly, but also a big inconvenience. Even if you ask your employees to drive themselves, there is lost time spent traveling to and from the venue. Additionally, paying a facilitator’s travel expenses can also run up your budget. With online training, however, there are no travel costs for your team or the facilitator.

No Catering

If you host a training session that starts early in the morning or goes through lunch, it is common courtesy to provide your team with a meal or snacks. The cost for catering can really add up and take time to put together, especially if the in-person training lasts multiple days.


In-person training also means tediously printing out hundreds of documents for your employees to look over throughout the session. While this may seem like a small detail, printing for a large group of people can put a significant dent in your budget.


As the saying goes, time is money. In-person training can sometimes take several days and sessions to complete. Plus, the time it takes to physically coordinate an in-person session is certainly not efficient.

However, if you’ve been given the task of coordinating the session, you’ll be able to get back to your other responsibilities quicker when you implement online training. Plus, the convenience of online training naturally makes it more efficient, meaning employees can get back to their other tasks faster as well.

Improves Retention

Videos and interactive slides found within online training courses are great for keeping employees engaged in the lesson, improving their retention. Plus, remote learning allows team members to set up in a relaxed environment that they enjoy being in. This can help to improve focus in comparison to learning in a stark, uncomfortable room.

HRDQ Consulting offers expert virtual and classroom training. Train your team in whatever way works best for you. Learn more.

Should I Choose Online or In-Person Training?

As you can see, there are so many benefits to online training. However, it’s not always the ideal choice for every company. Review the following cases where in-person training may be able to suit your needs:

Assess Your Current Meeting Space

If your current training area is in the office and large enough to host your entire team without feeling cramped, you might consider continuing in-person training. If the space is too tight, though, it can inhibit the learning process and negatively affect retention.

In-House Experts

Another factor to consider is if your company has in-house experts on the topics you’d like to train your employees in. Bringing in an instructor from the outside may not be the best option in this case. However, you’ll also need to think about if these expert employees have the time to host in-depth sessions and if this will take away from their everyday tasks.

Requires Hands-On Learning

For sessions that require hands-on learning, such as training employees to operate machinery or physically create something, training can most likely can only be done in person. If this is the case, it is likely that you already have an experienced expert assigned to teach these skills and a designated space to do so.

Start Virtual Training with HRDQ

At HRDQ, our live, instructor-led virtual training allows your team to complete training sessions and workshops no matter where they are. These collaborative and intuitive programs will help your employees stay engaged, retain valuable information, and function as productively as ever, all while saving you time and money. If you’re ready to experience the power of online training, view our virtual classes to get started!

Explore HRDQ Virtual Training

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